Recent presentations given by our staff are listed below.
"Genetic Diversity of Beavers in Oregon"
Presented by J. Maenhout at Washington Chapter of The Wildlife Society 2014 Annual Meeting, Pasco, Washington. February 6, 2014.
"Lower Granite Dam juvenile fish collection channel prototyple overflow weir and enlarged orifice biological evaluation, 2013"
Presented by R. O'Connor to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla and Portland districts at the Annual Fish Evaluation Program Meeting (AFEP), Walla Walla, Washington. December 3, 2013.
"Lower Granite Dam juvenile fish collection channel prototyple overflow weir and enlarged orifice biological evaluation, 2013 - juvenile lamprey"
Presented by R. O'Connor to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla and Portland districts at the Annual Fish Evaluation Program Meeting (AFEP), Walla Walla, Washington. December 3, 2013.
"Telemetry: monitoring fish movements at different scales"
Presented by M. Timko at the Eel Passage Research Center Autumn Workshop Technologies for Monitoring and Assessment of Effectiveness, Ottawa, Canada. October 15, 2013.
"An overview of JSATS technology"
Presented by M. Timko at the 2nd International Conference Three Years Monitoring at Geesthacht, Workshop: Tagging fish, Telemetry Systems, Geesthacht, Germany. September 20, 2013.
"Radio telemetry: an evolving technology and examples of field evaluations"
Presented by L. Sullivan at the 2nd International Conference Three Years Monitoring at Geesthacht, Workshop: Tagging fish, Telemetry Systems, Geesthacht, Germany. September 20, 2013.
"The use of telemetry to track fine-scale movements of fish"
Presented by S. Rizor at the 2nd International Conference Three Years Monitoring at Geesthacht, Workshop: Tagging fish, Telemetry Systems, Geesthacht, Germany. September 20, 2013.
"An example application of telemetry with fish"
Presented by M. Timko at the 2nd International Conference Three Years Monitoring at Geesthacht, Geesthacht, Germany. September 19, 2013.
"What kind of telemetric system is the right choice for your application?"
Presented by L. Sullivan at the 2nd International Conference Three Years Monitoring at Geesthacht, Geesthacht, Germany. September 19, 2013.
"The Development Process of Designing a Fish Bypass at a Hydroelectric Dam on the Columbia River"
Presented by L. Sullivan at Fish Passage 2013, Corvallis, Oregon. June 25-27, 2013.
"Ending of a Tradition: Salvage of Smolts Trapped in the Gatewell Slots of a Hydroelectric Dam"
Presented by L. Sullivan at Fish Passage 2013, Corvallis, Oregon. June 25-27, 2013.
"Investigation of Avian Predation Upon Steelhead Smolts with the Use of an Acoustic / PIT Tag Combination"
Poster presented by S. Rizor at Oregon and Washington Chapters of The Wildlife Society 2013 Annual Meeting, Stevenson, Washington. February 13-15, 2013 and at The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon. October 13-18, 2012.
"Upstream Passage Assessment of American Shad Using 3D Acoustic Telemetry"
Presented by M. Timko at HydroVision International, Louisville, Kentucky. July 17-20, 2012.
"Using DIDSON to Evaluate Fish Interactions at Turbine Gatewell Exclusion Screens and Escapement, Priest Rapids Project 2010"
Presented by L. Sullivan at the National Conference on Engineering and Ecohydrology for Fish Passage 2012, Amherst, Massachusetts. June 5-7, 2012.
"Juvenile Steelhead Survival and Predator-Prey Interactions Using JSATS through the Priest Rapids Reservoir in 2011"
Presented by L. Sullivan at the National Conference on Engineering and Ecohydrology for Fish Passage 2012, Amherst, Massachusetts. June 5-7, 2012.
"Juvenile Steelhead Survival and Predator-Prey Interactions Using JSATS through the Priest Rapids Reservoir in 2011"
Presented by L. Sullivan at Restoration 2012: Beyond Boarders, Washington-British Columbia American Fisheries Chapter Meeting, Victoria, British Columbia. May 14-17, 2012.
"Using GIS to Evaluate the Approach and Passage Behavior of Salmonid Smolts at a Hydroelectric Project on the Mid-Columbia River, Washington, U.S.A."
Presented by R. O'Connor at GIS in Action, Portland, Oregon. March 13-16, 2012.
"Evaluation of Downstream Juvenile Steelhead Survival and Predator-Prey Interactions Using JSATS through the Priest Rapids Reservoir in 2011"
Presented by A. Thompson to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla and Portland districts at the Annual Fish Evaluation Program Meeting (AFEP), Walla Walla, Washington. November 23, 2011.
"Using GIS to Evaluate the Approach and Passage Behavior of Salmonid Smolts at a Hydroelectric Project on the Mid-Columbia River, Washington, U.S.A."
Presented by S. Rizor at the Fifth International Symposium on GIS/Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences, Wellington, New Zealand. August 22-25, 2011.
"Investigation of Avian Predation Upon Salmonid Smolts with the Use of an Active / PIT Combination Tag"
Presented by M. Timko at 1st International Conference on Fish Telemetry (ICFT), Sapporo, Japan. June 17, 2011.